Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus.
De essentie van interieurontwerp zal altijd gaan over mensen en hoe ze leven. Het gaat over de realiteit van wat zorgt voor een aantrekkelijke, beschaafde, zinvolle omgeving, niet over mode of wat er in of uit is. Dit is geen gemakkelijke klus. Wees trouw aan je eigen smaak, want niets dat je echt leuk vindt, is ooit uit de mode.
Het doel van een ontwerper is luisteren, observeren, begrijpen, sympathiseren, inleven, synthetiseren en inzichten verzamelen die hem of haar in staat stellen het onzichtbare zichtbaar te maken.
Vorm volgt functie – dat is verkeerd begrepen. Vorm en functie moeten één zijn, verenigd in een spirituele vereniging. Innovatie is vaak het vermogen om in het verleden te reiken en terug te brengen wat goed is, wat mooi is, wat nuttig is, wat blijvend is.
The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what’s in or what’s out. This is not an easy job.
Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style. I always put in one controversial item. It makes people talk. I am going to make everything around me beautiful—that will be my life. Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style. I always put in one controversial item. It makes people talk. I am going to make everything around me beautiful—that will be my life.
Innovation is often the ability to reach into the past and bring back what is good, what is beautiful, what is useful, what is lasting. A room should never allow the eye to settle in one place. It should smile at you and create fantasy.
The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them. There are two things that make a room timeless: a sense of history and a piece of the future. I like an interior that defies labeling. I don’t really want someone to walk into a room and know that I did it.
The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what’s in or what’s out. This is not an easy job.